The Cycloid
Susan Sexton
The curve traced out by a
point P on the circumference of a
circle as the circle rolls along a straight line is called a cycloid. This curve is the locus of the P as it moves along the line.
It may be better to describe
a curve in the plane using parametric equations. Here the x- and
y-coordinates of points on the
curve are separate functions of a new variable, t, called the parameter. These parametric equations are given by:
x = f(t)
and y = g(t)
The curve that is traced out
by the movement of P located at (x,
y) = (f(t), g(t)) is called a parametric curve.
The cycloid is a parametric
What are the parametric
equations for the cycloid?
LetÕs look at a part of the
curve created by a circle that has rolled along the line.
To find the position of D (or
its x- and y-coordinates) we must look at the distances
The x-coordinate is the length of OT minus the length of DB.
The y-coordinate is the length of CT minus the length of CB.
The length of an arc that is
subtended by a central angle is equal to the radius times the central
angle. Since the distance that
circle C has rolled must be equal to the length of arc DT and arc DT is equal to aq then aq =
arc DT = OT.
By trigonometry we know that
DB = asinq
and CB = acosq.
Therefore the coordinates of
D are:
y-coordinate: CT – CB = a – acosq = a(1 – cosq)
If we put these equations in
Graphing Calculator we can explore what happens when ÒaÓ varies.
However, instead of q, t will be used.
LetÕs first graph a cycloid
whose radius is 1.
t = p
t = 2p
t = 4p
Now let us see what happens
when we vary a.
What happens when a is negative?
As stated earlier, the cycloid occurs as a
circle rolls along a line.
What happens when the circle rolls along
something else . . . like another circle?
The parametric curve traced here
is called an
What happens when the circle rolls along the inside of
a circle?
The parametric curve traced here
is called an
Earlier, we found the
following for a general cycloid:
x-coordinate: aq – asinq
y-coordinate: a – cosq
But there are other special
type of cycloids whose coordinates are the following:
– bsinq
y-coordinate: a – bcosq
LetÕs use Graphing Calculator
to see what happens when we vary ÒaÓ and ÒbÓ.
First I will vary ÒtÕ.
a = 1, b = 2, t = p
a = 1, b = 2, t = 2p
a = 1, b = 2, t = 4p
Now letÕs fix ÒaÓ and ÒtÓ and vary ÒbÓ.
We can see that ÒbÓ is enlarging the loop size.
This type of curve is called a
prolate cycloid and
occurs when b > a.
Now letÕs fix ÒbÓ and ÒtÓ and vary ÒaÓ.
A couple of things to notice here:
did the loops go?
The larger it gets, ÒaÓ
This type of curve is called a
curtate cycloid and
occurs when b < a.
A couple of parametric
thoughts to think about –
Obviously things occurred
as ÒaÓ, ÒbÓ, and ÒtÓ varied, but why?
There are many other
special parametric curves that exist.
Can you find them?